Livingston Edge Banded Slab Drawer Front (Horizontal Grain)
Product ID: 965 EBDF
-Minimum width 5 1/2” Maximum width 47”
-Minimum height 5 1/2” Maximum height 20”
-There is no warranty on drawer fronts over 33” wide or 10” tall
-Edge Banded Slab Doors and Drawer Fronts are 3/4” in thickness
-The Edge Banded Slab Drawer Front on the left is pictured in our Tafisa Laminate Rhapsody.
-Veneer grain runs horizontal.
-Minimum width 5 1/2” Maximum width 47”
-Minimum height 5 1/2” Maximum height 20”
-There is no warranty on drawer fronts over 33” wide or 10” tall
-Edge Banded Slab Doors and Drawer Fronts are 3/4” in thickness
-The Edge Banded Slab Drawer Front on the left is pictured in our Tafisa Laminate Rhapsody.
-Veneer grain runs horizontal.
Product ID: 965DF