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Pinnacle French Lite Cabinet Door (6 Lites)

Pinnacle French Lite Cabinet Door (6 Lites)

Price of door = Sq.Ft. price + $75.00 per door.
Min. Width - 12"
Min. Height - 18"
Details same as "Cabinet Door" with same name.
Example - Adobe Cabinet Door and Adobe French Lite Cabinet Door are identical construction minus the panel.
Product ID: 939 OGP6

Base price: $75.00

Pin It

Please select a wood type:


Select Alder

Knotty Alder

Select Cherry

Select Hickory

Knotty Hickory

Select Maple

Select Oak

Select White Oak

Knotty Oak

For Hinges or Hinge Boring select below

12.000" - 26.000"
18.000" - 60.000"
Min. charge: 2 sq.ft.
Price per each: n/a
Subtotal: $0.00