Pine Country Lazy Susan Cabinet Door (SR)

Product ID 960 SR
Minimum width 8 1/16” Maximum width 26”
Minimum height 7 5/16” Maximum height 60”
There is no warranty on doors over 24” wide or 60” tall
Stile & Rail details are identical to matching door
One stile will be 3" wide and will have a square edge
The most common way to achieve the "L" shaped look of a lazy Susan corner cabinet is to butt the standard Pine Country door up to the Pine Country lazy Susan door, creating the perfect corner shaped construction. Here are a couple different examples on how to create this look and instructions on how to measure for each door.

Scroll down the page to view pictures of the Pine Country family of doors and drawer fronts.
Product ID: 960 SR

Base price: $10.00

Pin It

Please select a wood type:


Select Alder

Knotty Alder

Select Cherry

Select Hickory

Knotty Hickory

Select Maple

Select Oak

Knotty Oak

For Hinges or Hinge Boring select below

8.063" - 26.000"
7.313" - 60.000"
Min. charge: 2 sq.ft.
Price per each: n/a
Subtotal: $0.00